You suddenly become aware, of the possibility that come over you when you think of direct mail publishing, business marketing. With the phenomenon of world wide money getting, the possibilities are endless..
It excites you thinking of waking up and going about your daily routine, and suddenly the door bell rings it’s your mail man he has a huge bag crammed full of mail with your name on it.
You quickly invite him in and have him drop the mail on the floor, sign the acceptance form and quickly shut the door behind him. You rush back to the thousands of letters that are on your living room floor and start opening them one by one to realize that they are all full of checks, money orders, cashier checks, and even cash, all sighed to YOU.
This is what it is like running a profitable marketing business, AKA direct mail order enterprise (self publishing) from the comfort of your own home.
I recall dreaming night after night about the possibilities of staying home and self publishing, I thought of it as a money getting phenomenon marketing my business using direct mail to make thousands of dollars.
Here’s are some tips & tactics on how you can excel at developing your business – marketing direct enterprise:
1- Develop your own sales letter copy, the ideal set of sales literature contains a sales letter, a sales circular that further describes the item. There must be an order coupon on the sales page or circular. There are various companies to make use of print services, flyers, sales letters, post cards, self-mailers, business cards ext,
2- Pricing the product, self publishing can be started with very little money. $375 can get you started in self publishing almost instantly, (That is only about $1 per day over a year!) Compare this small amount to that of opening your own retail store with requirements of $25,000 to $100,000!
3- Marketing, is the most important aspect of any business. If you do not market a product correctly, you will never make any money. If the type of marketing you are going to be using is direct mail publishing. In this case you will need a list of opportunity seekers, or an e-mail list to mail your offer to if you have one.
4- Renting a mailing list, is the first step in direct mail. Renting a mailing list consists of sending a letter & payment to a -list broker. The broker will need to know the quantity of names you wish to rent, you will need to ask for a list of (opportunity seekers).
5- List building is the epitome of marketing, If you dont have a mailing list no one will see your offer. And no sales will take place, Ezine marketing is a great way to build an email list this can be just as effective as direct mail publishing.
The dream of self publishing is not just a dream but a reality. The truth is we live in the information age, self publishing can be very lucrative and pays more then the mind can imagine. What one can think and imagine can be put into action. Would you like to know how I build my direct mail publishing enterprise using ezine article marketing? Discover your inner talent.